5 Steps to overcome your fears and insecurities


Insecurities are created from limiting beliefs that create a false reality. They are an irrational interpretation of ourselves. They stem from experiences and memories we hold on to and influence our interpretations of them and how we feel and act.

To overcome your insecurities, you must identify where they really come from.  It is not about ignoring, controlling, or managing them. It is about facing them and working with them. Insecurities are a source of information that is trying to tell us something. It is a chance for us to create our own reality. 

The more we fight our insecurities the more we are left with a lack of trust in ourselves and are thrown in the shadows of doubt. It gets in the way of us being authentic and fully showing up in our full potential.

We try hard to get rid of them but trying hard can be exhausting. It becomes a fight with our worst enemy. Instead, it is about surrendering and turning inward. But how can we start to overcome our crippling insecurities?

1: Look inside

The first step is awareness. Uncovering our needs, feelings, thoughts, and limiting beliefs that are at the core of our insecurities. Dive deep, because the deeper you go the more you will understand where they come from and how to deal with them. Take the time to step back and introspect. The deeper you go, the clearer you will see. By asking the right questions, you will uncover and identify your insecurities.

Ask yourself:

What are some of my insecurities?

What makes me feel these insecurities?

What are the needs being triggered?

What fears are connected to these insecurities?

What are the underlying limiting beliefs of these insecurities?

What experiences created these insecurities?

What are the root causes?

What is the gift and cost of this insecurity?

How are these insecurities not serving me?

2: Observe your inner critic

Listen to its dialogue. Those negative thoughts that trigger you, write them down. They don’t need to make sense. They just need to come out so you can look at them.

What do your inner critics tell you? When do they show up? What does this tell you about yourself? When you start to look at them closely you will see that there is a defined pattern they follow. Once you start to dive deep into them and try to figure them out, you’ll reveal answers from within. You’ll start to see and understand your inner critics more and finally work out what triggers them to creep up on you.

3: Embrace your fears

Get to know your fears, befriend them. Name them. When you name them, they can’t hide, so don’t you hide from them either. When we ignore something, it tends to speak louder, when we face it, it’s silenced.

Embracing your fears allows you to give yourself permission to feel what you feel. Every emotion related to a fear is valid and needs to be able to run its natural course through your body in order for you to truly learn from it. Perhaps you fear losing your job or your partner; maybe you fear being rejected or isolated; or your fears may revolve around what others think of you. Whatever your fears may be, there will always be a root cause behind them and why they have such a strong impact on you.

Don’t try and put your fears to the back of your mind or store them away within yourself – this will only allow them to fester and grow. Instead embrace them, knowing that each one provides you with valuable information that will help set you free from their constraints in the future.

4: Balance your perspective and fact check

Now that you know what’s there, it’s time to get curious (and honest!). On the surface, insecurities are just interpretations or perspectives of something. But deep down, what is the truth they are telling? Is it a growth area I need to address? Is it just me being my worst enemy?

Take time to sit down and address each of your fears and insecurities and try to reveal why each one impacts you so much. What you find out about yourself will be extremely interesting and valuable, and it’s only after delving into each emotion related to them that you will be able to start to overcome the powerful hold they have over you.

By challenging yourself, you get the chance to switch everything around and look at it from another corner of the room. You step outside of your own box and look at everything through a different lens. When you start to see your fears and insecurities from another perspective, you start to gain understanding. And, as always, knowledge is power. With this knowledge you’re able to grow.

5: Commit to your growth

With power, comes responsibility.  

Now you’ve decided to stand up and learn from your fears and insecurities, it’s time to take responsibility for yourself. This won’t be a one-time job that you can quickly do once and never have to think of again. You will need to commit to your growth and move with it.

It’s your call now, to choose to change your truth and therefore your life. Consider it a new lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. By taking charge you will start to feel more confident and assertive in yourself. You will grow as you go. You just need to commit to making changes and be willing to work on yourself in order to receive maximum results.

Hopefully by starting with these five steps you will be able to understand your insecurities and fears and start working with them to live a fuller life. Are you ready to get started on your journey?

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